Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Should You choose surgery For Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief?

If you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you probably have lots of questions. Will you be able to heal simply from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Or will you need surgery? Does it ever go away on its own? Will you have it forever if you don't have surgery?

About 15 years ago, Betty was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Her doctors advised her to have surgery. But she did not want to have surgery. So she didn't. Instead she started wearing a wrist brace at night and she made some changes in the way she worked. Betty did lots of heavy lifting. When it was time, she retired. She never had the carpal tunnel surgery. She did get better. Betty took action.

Carpal Tunnel

Bodies are smart. They can heal naturally. That includes your body. But they have safe bet needs. When those needs are met, your body will be happier and you will have less pain. Betty told me that just recently she began to have carpal tunnel symptoms again. She got out her wrist brace to wear at night and, once again, her symptoms are going away. Sometimes it's just that simple.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Should You choose surgery For Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief?

But sometimes it's more complicated. There may be any causes for your symptoms and each one needs to be addressed. And, sometimes the cause of your symptoms is not a commonly recognized one. You may have to do some study to get to the root cause. You may have to take some type of action to make your body happy again. That's okay! You are worth some time and action.

There are occasions when people do need surgical operation for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome but lots of the time, they can get rid of the cause(s) of their symptoms naturally. Sometimes surgical operation Is the answer. If bones or a cyst are pressing into your carpal tunnel space, surgical operation may be required.

Now, I have to tell you. I Love doctors and surgeons. Without the skilled hands of surgeons, I would not be here today talking with you. But surgical operation is not all the time the best answer. So, why does your physician offer surgery?

Most healing schools teach the use of treatment and surgical operation to solve sick person complaints. Many doctors did not learn about the ability of your body to heal itself naturally. And even if a physician does understand the value of self-help or natural help he or she doesn't have the time to instruct you. Many doctors don't believe their sick person will supervene through with self-help (but I believe in you.) The physician may think you want "instant" relief. Maybe you think so, too. And, sometimes there is financial benefit to the doctor.

Here's a petite tip I learned first hand: If you want an opinion, do Not go to a surgeon!!

His specialty is surgery. surgical operation is what he knows. surgical operation is how he or she fixes things. Approximately always, the plan will be that you need surgery! And, surgical operation doesn't provide "instant relief." It hurts. You have to heal from the surgery. Sometimes it doesn't help or only helps for a couple of years. (When that happens, it is because the surgical operation did not address the Cause of your pain--only the symptoms.)

Betty and other people have gotten rid of their Carpal Tunnel Syndrome naturally. people say things like, "My pain is gone." "The best help was my posture, self-massage and stretching. My pain is Approximately all gone."

"I'm playing the drums again after 30 years." "My physician is amazed how speedily I'm healing." And even, "I still have some pain but I am no longer afraid. I understand how my body works now and that I can heal." I Love that! That's what I want for you--no fear. Bodies are permanently changing. They can convert for the better. You have a smart body. You can heal.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Should You choose surgery For Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief?

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