Carpal Tunnel Exercises - curative Without Drugs Or surgical operation

Carpal Tunnel Exercises - curative Without Drugs Or surgical operation

Falling under the type of Rsi (Repetitive Strain Injury) or Ctd (Cumulative Trauma Disorder, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Cts) is a type of musculoskeletal injury caused by the overuse of unidirectional Movement of one or more-than-one muscles. Its victims are typically keyboard jockeys or mouse riders spending long hours at it.

Personally I fall into the above type as well, but being a firm believer of 'Body Heal thy Self', I tend to view drugs and surgery as a very last resort on the road to recovery.

The best way to combat or counteract Cts is to undertake carpal tunnel exercises.

Carpal tunnel exercises start with resistance exercises for the muscles - chance of the hands to counteract the muscles' overuse and closing of the hands to get back the energy. In other words, this involves postponement and flexion of the muscles.

1. The first carpal tunnel rehearsal is the 'wrist circles' - focuses on stretching the wrist ligaments. You have to rotate both the wrists for few seconds; then open your hands, stretch and finally, rotate the wrists in the opposite direction. For example, if you start with rotating the wrists in the clockwise direction, stop with rotating the wrists in the anticlockwise direction and vice versa.

2. The second carpal tunnel rehearsal is the 'grip balls' (aka "Stress balls") - to strengthen the forearm and muscles of the hand. It needs to be squeezed periodically and can be done throughout the day.

3. The third carpal tunnel rehearsal is the 'wrist curls' - to strengthen the forearms. Grip a water bottle or jar with one hand, then place the forearm on a flat surface, (with the hand jutting out over the edge of the surface). With the palm pointed upward, bend at the wrist to let the weight down, then curl the wrist toward you, lifting the weight up. After you stop with one hand, repeat the same process with the other hand.

4. The fourth carpal tunnel rehearsal is the 'finger touch' - to strengthen the fingers and the wrist. You start with spreading the five fingers of one hand apart and then with the other hand, bend back the fingers as far as it can go (do not apply unnecessary pressure).

Can you fantasize the frustration if your hands fail to work? So, do not ignore Cts (if you happen to end up with it), remember that 'prevention is good than cure'.

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